Page 23 - International Journal of Process Educaiton (Special Issue)
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Accelerator Model (1993) LD
Concepts such as “raising the bar,” “raising expectations,” and “getting students outside their comfort
zone” are all part of the research behind the Accelerator Model; also included are the importance of
taking risks and accepting failure as a frequent and productive means to growth and success.
As part of Pacific Crest’s PC:SOLVE demonstra- not meeting performance criteria (failing, to at least some
tions, we designed a script of activities for students degree) can provide:
in order to show faculty how well students could
perform. These activities intentionally created An opportunity for future motivation
a dynamic and energetic environment in which
teams were challenged to compete at solving The impetus for students to improve their learning
problems. In such an environment, students took performance by improving their learning skills
risks, were aggressive in experimenting, learned
from failure by figuring things out, and showed An insight into the value of reflection time in helping
all the signs of thinking critically and reflecting on students learn more about learning
their performance. We discovered that the harder
we pushed these students, the more impressive The 1998 Teaching institute handbook (Apple & Krum-
their responses and the more confidence they de- sieg) saw the first publication of the Accelerator Model
veloped. (Dan Apple, personal recollection) (so named because varying the level of challenge is analo-
gous to varying the pressure on an accelerator) as a way to
The model of this environment—especially with its help faculty appreciate how raising the level of challenge
elements of strategic risk-taking, a culture of "try it," and (pushing down on the accelerator) can lead to greater stu-
accepting failure as frequent and productive means to dent learning and growth. The Faculty Guidebook module
success--was developed in Learning Through Problem The Accelerator Model”(Morgan & Apple 2007) effec-
Solving (Apple, Beyerlein & Schlesinger, 1992). Teach tively links the model to scholarship concerned with learn-
for Learning — A Handbook for Process Education ing, degree of challenge, emotional skills, engagement,
(Pacific Crest, 1993) described discovery learning as a and motivation (see especially Bandura 1997, Bransford,
stimulus for prompting students to not just passively take Brown, & Cocking 2000, Damasio 2005, Gist, Schwoer-
in information, but to actively engage by asking “Why?” er & Rosen 1989, Goleman 1997, Mikulincer 1998, and
when presented with information. This same handbook Picard 1997), even as it demonstrates the relationships
also helped instructors learn to model the behaviors among the pieces previous laid out: challenge, raised ex-
sought from students, so that students would learn to pectations, risk-taking, productive frustration, failure as a
experience the process of learning for themselves rather motivator, and time-pressured learning.
than “being taught.” Instructors were advised to respond
to student questions with insightful questions, modeling According to the Accelerator Model, there are three
what students could ask themselves. In modeling such variables that regulate the growth and development of
questions, instructors caused a productive kind of students’ cognitive and affective learning skills: the
frustration, as most students initially prefer simply being cognitive skill set of students, the affective skill set
given an answer instead of having to assume the mantle possessed by students, and the degree of challenge initiated
of questioner, discoverer, and researcher themselves. by the instructor (Figure 1 shows these variables set as
Teach for Learning also recommended that, as with the axes in the model).
PC:SOLVE demonstrations, instructors should constantly
increase the challenge as students succeed with current The z-axis, “Affective Skill Set” is of particular note, as
challenges, a strategy that increases student confidence it includes affective skills such as risk-taking, persisting,
and engagement. managing frustration, and handling failure, all skills that
are critical if learners are to be actively engaged and high
The concept of time pressured learning was introduced performing. As Figure 2 makes clear, the stronger a learner’s
in the Teaching institute handbook (Apple, 1995), noting affective skill set, the more effectively he or she will be able
that instructors can achieve the desired amount of pressure to meet learning challenges without significant anxiety,
by raising expectations or limiting the time available anger, frustration, or disengagement. Conversely, personal
for completing activities. A Teaching Institute activity, growth in affective skills can only occur when a learner is
“Frustration,” gave faculty the opportunity to discover that below his or her “happy zone.” This means that we build
affective skills by increasing challenge (depressing the
accelerator) either by increasing complexity or restricting
time available to the point that learners are outside of their
International Journal of Process Education (February 2016, Volume 8 Issue 1) 21