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the Personal Development Methodology. It also provided necessary for effective reflection (e.g., filtering information,
customization of existing forms for technology, and added being non-judgmental, and challenging oneself). He further
a new lecture/lab notes form. The Information Technology noted that the Process Education perspective on reflection
Self-Assessment Learning Journal (4th ed.) (Krumsieg & contrasts with philosophical and spiritual traditions; in
Miller, 2008) provided an overview of the concepts of the Process Education model, assessment of performance
learning to learn and self-growth; in addition to improved prompts reflection, and the discovery of insights from
forms, this edition also included a self-assessment project performance experiences is a significant meta-cognitive
journal and weekly assessment notes. process that is essential to growth of skills. This scholarship
was further advanced in the article Comparative Analysis of
Scholarship focused on how to engage students in Reflection and Self-Assessment (Desjarlais & Smith, 2012).
reflection using tools that can be found in the Faculty A disciplinary exploration of the importance of and methods
Guidebook (Beyerlein, Holmes & Apple, 2007). The for building metacognition within engineering practice is
module Persistence Log (Atnip, 2007) deals with how offered in Reflection and Metacognition in Engineering
to get students to understand when and how their efforts Practice (Davis, Leifer, McCormack, Beyerlein, Brackin &
connect to their successes. Practical Implementation of Trevisan, 2013).
Self-Assessment Journals (Miller, 2007a) discusses the
principals of implementing reflective practice and self- Reflection, and Meta-cognition in Student
assessment. There is an awareness of how context impacts Curricula
reflective practice; Using Reading and Lecture Notes Logs
to Improve Learning (Miller, 2007b) focuses particularly on The scholarly advances made with respect to self-
building reflective practice in large lecture courses while assessment, reflection, and meta-cognition became a
Hare (2007) tackles the issue of implementing reflective cornerstone of each learning experience in Learning to
practice within a team structure in Team Reflection. Learn—Becoming a Self-Grower (Apple, Morgan &
Hintze 2013) and informed the design of learning activities,
The Student Success Toolbox pre-market edition (Pacific leading to a section dedicated to reflection, “Learning to
Crest, 2009) again upgraded the existing forms, added Learn Mathematics: Reflecting on and Appreciating Your
content on the Classification of Learning Skills, the criteria Learning” in Quantitative Reasoning and Problem Solving
for team roles, information about the Theory of Performance, (Ellis, Apple, Watts, Hintze, Teeguarden, Cappetta, &
instructions for a self-growth paper, the rubric for levels Burke, 2014) (see Figure 2).
of learner performance, an activity analyzing a course
syllabus, and tips for becoming an "A" student. New forms A learning activity that is entirely focused on metacognition
included concept mapping, addressing and avoiding errors, is “Metacognition: Thinking about My Thinking,”--Expe-
a learning journal, an SII performance assessment report, rience 11 of Learning to Learn: Becoming a Self-Grower.
team assessment, performance analysis and assessment, This learning experience challenges learners to identify
a learning contract, mid-term assessment, and course something they have learned (by documenting it with a
assessment. This set of tools was expanded by providing learning journal worksheet) and then to engage in metacog-
access to items such as methodologies and rubrics that nitive exploration of that learning. They use a metacognitive
could be downloaded from a website. The Student Success exploration worksheet to do each of the following: record
Toolbox (1st ed.) (Pacific Crest, 2013) added a mentoring their level of learning, explain how they determined their
planning form, a mentoring agreement, a preparation level of learning, list the learning skills they use when dem-
worksheet, a weekly planner, and a course record sheet. onstrating or applying their learning, determine and share
the steps they used from the Learning Process Methodology
Reflection and Self-Assessment in the course of doing the learning, create an outline of how
to teach what was learned to someone else, and finally cre-
During a 2001 Advanced Teaching Institute, a community of ate inquiry questions that will help a new learner explore
Process Education practitioners spent some time considering more deeply or transfer their learning.
the relationship between self-assessment and reflection,
determining how and why they differ from and support each Whether the implementation of reflective practice and
other (Pacific Crest, 2001). Leise (2010), in his supervisory increased metacognition is at the level of a post-activity
work with students studying counseling, explored the prompt, forms/worksheets/tools integrated into a learning
relationship between assessment and reflection in Improving activity, or practices integrated into teaching or learning
Quality of Reflecting on Performance. He prepared a at the course level, when reflection becomes a natural or
holistic rubric for assessing the quality of reflection from familiar meta-cognitive process, the only possible result
“unfocused observer” to “integrated reflector” (see Figure 1). is improved learning and performance for everyone:
He emphasized the importance of growth in selected skills learners, educators, individuals, teams, and organizations.
across the cognitive, social, and affective domains that are
68 International Journal of Process Education (February 2016, Volume 8 Issue 1)