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International Journal of Process Education (February 2016, Volume 8 Issue 1)  PROGRAM                            Pක඗ඏකඉඕ Dඍඛඑඏඖ   Crafted to meet the knowledge, skills, and ways of being     Pක඗ඏකඉඕ Aඛඛඍඛඛඕඍඖග  To ensure that quality exceeds standards                                                                                                               Figure 1 Pictorial Representation of the Major Areas of Process Education
                                                                              (multiple courses)                                  for a profile of a professional graduating from the program                      with systematic feedback to improve quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Pක඗ඎඍඛඛඑ඗ඖඉඔ Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ C඗ඕඕඝඖඑගඡ Example: The Academy of Process Educators
                                                                                 COURSE                          C඗ඝකඛඍ Dඍඛඑඏඖ    METHODICAL process for creating a high-quality course        C඗ඝකඛඍ Aඛඛඍඛඛඕඍඖග   To ensure that the targeted outcomes of the
                                                                                 (multiple learning activities)                   so learners achieve identified LEARNING and GROWTH goals                         course are successfully met and improved

                                                                              LEARNING ACTIVITY                  Aඋගඑඞඑගඡ Dඍඛඑඏඖ  METHODICAL process for constructing LEARNING EXPERIENCES that support          Aඋගඑඞඑගඡ Aඛඛඍඛඛඕඍඖග  To ensure that targeted out-
                                                                                                                                  THE LEARNING CYCLE so learners can meet the PERFORMANCE CRITERIA                                    comes are met and improved

                                                                                                                                  Rඍඎඔඍඋගඑ඗ඖ          Process used to increase the awareness a learner has about how/she thinks and learns; a reflective practitioner      Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ ග඗ Lඍඉකඖ Cඉඕ඘
                                                                                                                                                      works to increase metacognitive awareness and strives to understand his/her own behavior, decisions, and thinking
                                                                              PEPක඗උඍඛඛ Eඌඝඋඉගඑ඗ඖ

                                                                              Learning is not a product, but a                    Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ Eච඘ඍකඑඍඖඋඍඛ ຺ Cඝකකඑඋඝඔඉ                             Fඉඋඑඔඑගඉගඑ඗ඖ, Mඍඖග඗කඑඖඏ

                                                                              PROCESS with SELF-GROWTH                            Includes Activity Books, Classroom Activities,               ● Creates a QUALITY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT
                                                                              of the learner as the goal                          Learning Systems, and Learning Objects                       ● Facilitates learning using LEARNING ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                               ● Optimizes performance by using facilitation plans
                                                                              Mඍගඐ඗ඌ඗ඔ඗ඏඑඍඛ                                            DESIGNED and FACILITATED to implement                   ● Supports the LEARNING PROCESS METHODOLOGY
                                                                                                                                            and support the LEARNING PROCESS                   ● Improves performance through PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                                              ● The methods, guidelines, and best                                METHODOLOGY so learners are able to           ● Practice is informed by RESEARCH-BASED BEST PRACTICES
                                                                                   practices of PROCESS knowledge are                                 exceed the stated learning objectives
                                                                                   described in METHODOLOGIES                                              and PERFORMANCE CRITERIA

                                                                              ● METHODOLOGIES can be used to                                                 Pඍකඎ඗කඕඉඖඋඍ                                         PDPක඗ඎඍඛඛඑ඗ඖඉඔ Dඍඞඍඔ඗඘ඕඍඖග                                   A five-day intensive experience that models how every student can become a successful
                                                                                   learn how to do something                                                                                                                                                               collegiate learner through LEARNING HOW TO LEARN and developing a GROWTH mindset.
                                                                                                                                                             Any PERFORMANCE (completed PROCESS) can             Transformational learning experiences with the goal of
                                                                              ● Learners who use METHODOLOGIES                                               be MEASURED, improved through ASSESSMENT,           improving FACILITATION skills and elevating practice
                                                                                  increase their PERFORMANCE                                                 enhanced through challenge (e.g., by using the      for increased LEARNING and GROWTH both in the
                                                                                                                                                             ACCELERATOR MODEL), analyzed by its parts:          classroom and as a professional
                                                                              ● METHODOLOGIES provide structure
                                                                                  for ASSESSING use of that PROCESS                                            Pඍකඎ඗කඕඉඖඋඍ M඗ඌඍඔ                                 PCPඍකඎ඗කඕඉඖඋඍ Cකඑගඍකඑඉ

                                                                              Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ Pක඗උඍඛඛ Mඍගඐ඗ඌ඗ඔ඗ඏඡ                                                   PERFORMANCE components: learner identity,           Statements describing the most important aspects of the
                                                                                                                                                             LEARNING SKILLS used, knowledge needed,             target PERFORMANCE (i.e., what it should look like);
                                                                                 LPM“Tඐඍ Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ Cඡඋඔඍ”                                                     performance context, personal factors (individual   these form the basis for PERFORMANCE MEASURES.
                                                                                                                                                             variables), fixed factors (permanent variables)
                                                                              STAGE 1 Preparing to Learn (learning objectives, PERFORMANCE CRITERIA)                                                             PMPඍකඎ඗කඕඉඖඋඍ Mඍඉඛඝකඍඛ

                                                                              STAGE 2    Learning PERFORMANCE (analyzing models, critical thinking,          Pක඗ඊඔඍඕ S඗ඔඞඑඖඏ                                     These are based on PERFORMANCE CRITERIA and
                                                                              STAGE 3    application, and problem solving) using LEARNING SKILLS                                                                 allow one to gauge (measure) the level of success or
                                                                                                                                                             PROBLEM SOLVING is application of the knowledge     quality of a PERFORMANCE. This data forms the basis
                                                                                         ASSESSMENT of learning PERFORMANCE                                  gained through the LEARNING PROCESS                 for high-quality ASSESSMENT and EVALUATION.

                                                                              L2LLඍඉකඖඑඖඏ ග඗ Lඍඉකඖ                     CLSLඍඉකඖඑඖඏ Sඓඑඔඔඛ                    ೖGක඗ඟගඐ / Sඍඔඎ-Gක඗ඟඍකඛ                              SIIAඛඛඍඛඛඕඍඖග ຺ Sඍඔඎ-Aඛඛඍඛඛඕඍඖග

                                                                              We can LEARN HOW TO LEARN with the       Generic and transferable skills that  GROWTH is the increase in capacity resulting from   ● Feedback with the goal of improving PERFORMANCE
                                                                              LEARNING PROCESS METHODOLOGY             lead directly to improved learning.   quality MENTORING. SELF-GROWERS use SELF-
                                                                              and can use it to increase our learning  Classified in the cognitive, social,  ASSESSMENT to SELF-MENTOR their own GROWTH          ● Format: Strengths, Areas for Improvement, Insights
                                                                              PERFORMANCE. Learner development is      and affective domains in the
                                                                              the GROWTH that comes from LEARNING      Classification of Learning Skills.    C඗ඔඔඉඊ඗කඉගඑ඗ඖ / Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ C඗ඕඕඝඖඑගඑඍඛ                ● Focusing an ASSESSMENT on one’s self (SELF-
                                                                              HOW TO LEARN.                                                                                                                         ASSESSMENT) improves PERFORMANCE and
                                                                                                                        Aඋඋඍඔඍකඉග඗ක M඗ඌඍඔ                    Learning together collaboratively or cooperatively     increases GROWTH
                                                                              FOLF඗ඝඖඌඉගඑ඗ඖඛ ඗ඎ Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ                                                     (with team roles) and practicing peer ASSESSMENT:
                                                                                                                       Informed by LEARNING SKILLS,          ● in a classroom                                             Aඛඛඍඛඛඕඍඖග vs Eඞඉඔඝඉගඑ඗ඖ
                                                                              Both an ACTIVE LEARNING course and       aspects of the LEARNING               ● at a LEARNING TO LEARN CAMP
                                                                              CURRICULA introducing the topics shown   PROCESS METHODOLOGY                   ● in a PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY                                      ASSESS to improve
                                                                              here to help students LEARN HOW TO       can be tweaked to increase the                                                                                      PERFORMANCE
                                                                              LEARN and become SELF-GROWERS                                                                                                                            EVALUATE to judge or
                                                                                                                       ോchallenge and thus the learning                                                                               grade PERFORMANCE

                                                                                                                       and GROWTH of learners

                                                                                 COURSE  Qඝඉඔඑගඡ Lඍඉකඖඑඖඏ Eඖඞඑක඗ඖඕඍඖග Produces respect, trust, openness, success and a GROWTH-ORIENTED mindset for everyone
                                                                              PROGRAM    Cඝඔගඝකඍ ඗ඎ Sඝඋඋඍඛඛ Use of the Transformation of Education and Compass of Higher Education as strategic frameworks to foster GROWTH for learners, faculty, staff, and scholarship

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