Page 8 - International Journal of Process Educaiton (Special Issue)
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How the Theory of Performance, Forms and Levels of The cornerstone of Process Education scholarship
Knowledge, and the Classification of Learning Skills was modeling the learning process with the Learning
link learning theory with developing disciplinary Process Methodology (one could then learn how
practice by using performance criteria and perform- to learn) and then connecting it with the practice of
ance measures assessment, allowing individuals to improve their
ability to learn (self-growth).
How key tools, structures, and systems (e.g., the
Student Success Toolbox, Foundations of Learning The Academy of Process Educators focuses on
course, and performance measures) all play a role in generating research-based evidence, modeling quality
increasing meta-cognition implementation of the Process Education philosophy,
and mentoring faculty and staff in their work to create
Concluding Thoughts on the Vision of Process a learning to learn culture.
Education Research and Practices
Scholarship on the Transformation of Education
Though the learning sciences (“interdisciplinary empirical illustrates how extensive the gap is between current
investigation of learning as it exists in real-world settings values, mindsets, and practices and those of a culture
and… how learning may be facilitated both with and of success in which learning to learn, assessment/self-
without technology”; ISLS, 2015) are in their infancy, assessment, and self-growth become pervasive.
the broad outlines of how people learn are fairly well-
developed. Much work needs to be done, and will need to In order to move towards a Process Education culture
be expanded upon as the learning sciences advance in order and empowerment of all, an institution should develop
to realize the benefits of learning science with respect to and publish its institutional educational philosophy so
actual curriculum design, assessment, learner development, that its faculty, staff, and students can move in this
educator advancement, cultural development, and change direction with the support of the institution.
process. We believe strongly that this means connecting
scholarship of the learning sciences with the scholarship For each area of Process Education scholarship that
of Process Education. We also feel that in order to take is integrated into practice, student learning improves.
full advantage of what the learning sciences have to offer, Furthermore, due to the holistic nature of Process
education at all levels, from primary to post-graduate, will Education, when multiple areas of Process Education
need to experience a cultural transformation. The Academy scholarship are embraced and integrated into practice,
of Process Educators already sees the need for this cultural the impact is synergistic with respect to learning,
change; this is evident in the scholarship of Process growth, and student success.
Education and especially the work done (and in-progress)
that focuses on the Transformation of Education. Process Process Education is a way of living; its principles
Education is a philosophy and mindset that is wholly apply to every facet of life. It is also a journey rather
amenable to what the learning sciences will teach us. The than a destination, and once begun, never really ends,
role of the Academy of Process Educators is a critical but continually increases the quality of life.
one as we move forward into this promising future; these
educators will continue to produce scholarship that crosses Since Process Education is a performance-based
and connects disciplines, drawing Process Education into philosophy, the clarification of expectations—
contexts and applications that are yet unknown. It is their accomplished by sharing performance criteria with
work to promote the ways in which the necessary cultural learners and educators and using performance
transformation can occur and to mentor faculty and staff measures—make it possible for everyone to excel
in engaging in the research and implementing the best because they can then assess and improve their own
practices that emerge as a result of that research. performance.
On a final note, the authors would like to highlight the ten If an institution claims that it produces graduates who
most important things we learned from engaging in this are life-long learners and future contributors to society,
extended review of the first 25 years of Process Education. then that institution is morally obligated to facilitate
this transformation in the students it admits. Process
At the heart of Process Education and its philosophy Education tells us that this kind of transformation is
and principles is the idea of empowering learners, possible; to admit a student and yet not help them
faculty, and staff by building a culture which values acquire the tools that make their success possible is
and practices learning to learn, self-growth, and the simply unacceptable.
ownership of one’s own learning.
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).
(2015). Available at:
6 International Journal of Process Education (February 2016, Volume 8 Issue 1)