Page 121 - International Journal of Process Educaiton (Special Issue)
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Problem Solving (1990)                                                        CD

Problem Solving is a content-independent process of identifying and defining a gap between
expectations and perceptions in a given situation, and then developing the means to minimize this
gap to satisfy that situation’s key stakeholders.

Defining and Teaching Problem Solving                                That’s why we offered workshops on the problem
                                                                    solving process…the more workshops we held,
In his book, How to Solve It (1945), Mathematician and              the clearer it became that POINT FIVE and
educator George Pólya framed problem solving as a                   the problem solving skills it supported and
methodical and teachable process. His approach consisted            built needed to be integrated into collegiate
of four broad steps:                                                quantitative courses. By 1990, more than 500
                                                                    colleges and universities had purchased a site
     Understand the problem.                                     license for PC:SOLVE (the upgraded version of
                                                                    Point Five), all in quantitative programs. In every
     Devise a plan for solving it.                               case, the primary reason faculty had integrated
                                                                    PC:SOLVE into their courses was to target the
     Carry out the plan.                                         problem solving process. (personal recollection)

     Review/extend the work.                                 Sharing his own skills in solving large-scale public systems
                                                                problems (Apple, 1980), Apple developed An Introduction
Pólya went into much greater detail for each step, and          to Problem Solving Using PC:SOLVE (1990) to teach
his work and conception of problem solving as a general         students how to identify, define, and solve problems by
process still resonates with educators who strive to teach      using the Problem Solving Methodology (PSM), which
problem solving within their classrooms. Few would dispute      represented an amalgamation of research, practice, and
the claim that problem solving is a skill that the majority of  personal expertise (the current version of this methodology
students lack. Scholars from McMaster’s University spent        is shown in Figure 1). In doing so, he learned that putting
25 years surveying the need for students to develop problem     a methodology into the hands of students, though helpful,
solving skills, how problem solving is taught (even asking      wasn’t enough; students needed to learn how to use the
whether it can be taught), the methods used, and what works     methodology, and faculty faced the very real struggle of
(as well as what doesn’t). According to the authors,            how to teach problem solving from within the context
                                                                of their discipline in a way that worked. The McMaster
    (O)ur research showed that: 1) there is an                  summary of teaching practices in problem solving strongly
    identified, subject-independent skill set called             suggested that something else was needed to improve
    problem solving, and 2) that students do not                students' problem solving performance. The Problem
    develop the skill in a four-year program by having          Solving Across the Curriculum Conferences (1990-1996)
    teachers display how they solve problems, by                helped faculty share scholarship and practices in learning
    giving out sample solutions, by using open-ended            and problem solving, thereby creating that “something
    problems or by having peers show their problem              else.”
    solving. (Woods, Hrymak, Marshall, Wood,
    Crowe, Hoffman, et al., 1997)                                Learning and Problem Solving: Interdependency

Problems in Teaching and Learning the Problem                   As noted in the Learning Process Methodology section,
Solving Process                                                 publication of Learning Through Problem Solving (Apple,
                                                                Beyerlein & Schlesinger, 1992) was a formal result of
Approximately midway between the publication of Pólya’s         the collaboration by faculty who had attended the 1990
work and the project report from McMaster’s is where we         conference. Learning through Problem Solving offered
find Pacific Crest Software offering the software packages         the Learning Process Model (a model of the learning
Point Five and PC:SOLVE. Both were systems created to           process) and the Problem Solving Methodology (a model
help learners solve problems (see the Role of Technology        of the problem solving process). The relationship between
section). After marketing Point Five for approximately          these two processes is more than close; they are actually
six months, an important discovery was made: clients            interdependent. The model in Figure 2 was presented in
who used the software reported that they wished they            Education as a Process (Apple & Hurley-Lawrence, 1994),
had gained the level of problem solving expertise that          demonstrating that learning is the process of constructing
the software helped them develop while they were still
undergraduate or graduate students. Dan Apple, president
of Pacific Crest recalls,

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