Page 132 - International Journal of Process Educaiton (Special Issue)
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Classification of Learning Skills, we find the following in the context of the Theory of Performance (Elger, 2007)
(see also Figure 3): and students are challenged to identify five learning
skills they want to develop and which they are willing
Cognitive domain: to work on during the course to improve their learning
5 process areas, 21 cluster areas, 94 learning skills performance. The Classification of Learning Skills itself is
included as Appendix B in the book. Learning to Learn -
Social domain: Becoming a Self-Grower (Apple, Morgan, & Hintze, 2013)
5 process areas, 18 cluster areas, 86 learning skills similarly integrates the Classification of Learning Skills
into each learning experience, also prompting students to
Affective domain: periodically assess their work in improving their selected
5 process areas, 16 cluster areas, 76 learning skills learning skills.
Figure 2 Levels of Learner Development in Any Life Enrichment Skills
Learning Skill
Leise (2011) arrived at a related set of skills called
Level 5 The skill is expanded and integrated the Classification of Life Enrichment Skills which
Transformative with other skills so that it can be complement the Classification of Learning Skills in
applied in new contexts that inspire that they “are valuable for educators in their work to
Use the emulation of others. facilitate growth for learners with varied ways of being,
developmental challenges, and life problems.” While
Level 4 The skill can be self-improved and the life enrichment skills are eminently useful, they are
Self-Reflective adapted to unfamiliar contexts with broader than learning skills in that they tend to integrate
occasional advice from a mentor. across multiple domains of learning skills and they do not
Use exist within any hierarchical structure. An excerpt of life
The skill is routinely called enrichment skills from the theme, “Developing Identity”
Level 3 upon and effectively applied in is available in Figure 4.
Consistent multiple contexts by the user, who
Performance consciously directs the effort. Looking Forward
Level 2 The skill can be used proactively For all the work done with learning skills, there is still
Conscious Use by a learner, but its use needs to much to do: the psychomotor domain needs to be
be constantly encouraged and completed so that it offers as much richness and potential
Level 1 supported by a mentor. as the other domains; the roles that language development
Non- and assessment play as foundational and culminating skills
The skill appears on a reactive need to be considered and developed further; and finally,
Conscious Use basis in response to an immediate we hope to one day offer a performance measure for each
need, but without awareness of self learning skill to help in its development and in measuring
or others. its growth.
Learning Skills in Student Curricula
Foundations of Learning (4th ed.) (Redfield & Hurley
Lawrence, 2009) integrates learning skills as part of every
activity in the book as a way of improving students' learning
performances. In addition, the learning skills are presented
Figure 3 The Current Classification of Learning Skills
130 International Journal of Process Education (February 2016, Volume 8 Issue 1)