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assessment until 2011 when Desjarlais and Smith Turning Evaluation into Assessment (Watson)
adapted content from the Faculty Guidebook to create the
Methodology for Self-Assessment (see Figure 4). This Practical Implementation of Self-Assessment Jour-
methodology is relatively strict and can be used to produce nals (Miller)
a formal self-assessment report, but even if a more casual
self-assessment is sought, the Methodology’s steps provide Assessing Assessments (Anderson & Watson)
a kind of perception check so that casual self-assessment
does not devolve into unproductive reflection or, worse, The International Journal of Process Education has
self-evaluation. also featured some strong scholarship focused on self-
assessment. Desjarlais and Smith’s A Comparative Analysis
During a Developmental Math Institute, participants of Reflection and Self-Assessment (2011) is especially
collaborated on the creation of a performance measure valuable for the self-assessment methodology it offers, but
for self-assessment. The measure has been edited and is also because it serves to inform the learning experience
available in the Book of Measures (Pacific Crest, 2013). focused on self-assessment in Learning to Learn: Becoming
a Self-Grower (Apple, Morgan, & Hintze, 2013). In What
Tools to Improve Self-Assessment is Self-Growth? (2015), Jain, Apple, and Ellis present self-
assessment as the key component of self-growth, illustrating
A self-assessment form was included in Learning how self-assessment relates to the other nine components
Assessment Journal (Carroll & Apple, 1995), to help of self-growth. The goal is to help faculty increase their
students analyze their strengths, produce improvements own ability to self-assess, as well as to help their students
with action plans, clarify insights, determine how they develop this same ability. In Identifying At-Risk Factors
helped others and were helped in turn, and to identify That Affect College Student Success (2015), Horton points
concepts learned, knowledge integrated, and any new out that being a self-evaluator is one of the top 20 factors
discoveries. This SII model (Strengths, Areas for that put academic success at risk for learners, generally by
Improvement, Insights) builds metacognitive skills by fostering low self-esteem or depression. Students who self-
tasking students with producing insights — discoveries evaluate rather than self-assess are “constantly self-critical,
made from performing the assessment — and increasing see only their mistakes and failures, and do not appreciate
their awareness of their own experiences, a kind of growth or improvement.”
reflective practice (see the Reflection section). The 3rd
edition of the Learning Assessment Journal (Apple, 2000) Self-Assessment in Student Curricula
offered a revised self-assessment form which included
space for faculty to assess the student’s self-assessment. The practice of self-assessment is part of the activity/
This innovation was the product of much thinking and experience design found in Foundations of Learning (4th
many conversations about obtaining student buy-in, ed.) (Redfield & Hurley Lawrence, 2009) and in Learning
creating an assessment culture, the importance of assessing to Learn: Becoming a Self-Grower (Apple, Morgan, &
self-assessments, why and how to provide criteria, and Hintze, 2013). Each chapter of Foundations of Learning
the role of peer assessment in the student development of ends with a prompt for the student to complete a self-
self-assessment (Dan Apple, personal recollection). The assessment. As the introduction explains,
tools available for increasing the practice and quality of
self-assessment have proliferated and while many stand This is your opportunity to compare the Learning
alone in the Student Success Toolbox (such as the SII Self- Objectives with your actual outcomes for each
Assessment form; Pacific Crest, 2011), many more have chapter. This is not about a grade, but about
been integrated into student learning curricula (see Self- improving your performance. As such, you
Assessment in Student Curricula which follows). will assess your performance by sharing and
describing 1) a strength you exhibited, 2) an area
Scholarship Focused on Self-Assessment in which you could improve your performance,
and 3) an insight you experienced while working
The thinking that led to the revised self-assessment tool through that chapter.
as well as previous scholarship on self-assessment was
formalized in several modules published in the Faculty Additionally, Chapter 13, Assessment for Self-
Guidebook (all 2007): Improvement, echoes Klopp (1996) on the importance of
being able to “look at oneself with as little distortion as
SII Method for Assessment Reporting (Wasserman & possible,” in explaining the importance of being able to
Beyerlein) objectively view one’s self and to separate the performance
from feelings one has about that performance.
Moving Towards an Assessment Culture (Utschig)
Chapter 4 of Learning to Learn: Becoming a Self-Grower
is titled, “Self-Assessment: The Engine of Self-Growth,”
62 International Journal of Process Education (February 2016, Volume 8 Issue 1)