by David Leasure, Dan Apple, Steve Beyerlein, Wade Ellis, Tristan Utschig
Learning by Performance (LxP) is a system for learning by performing and performing by learning rather than a specific
teaching approach. The LxP system synthesizes key elements of learning-by-doing, active learning, situated learning,
mastery learning, self-regulated learning, problem-based learning, competency-based education, performance management,
performance-based learning, and Process Education. As the name suggests, performers learn by performing to meet specific
outcomes by working through seven stages: 1. sizing up a performance, 2. planning a performance, 3. practicing and
preparing for the performance, 4. performing, 5. being evaluated, 6. being coached, and 7. accepting feedback. During these
seven stages, self-coaching and external coaching generate feedback to improve aspects of the performance. Coaching creates
a safe, low-stakes improvement-oriented environment. Because grades, raises, promotions, and other decisions depend on
evaluation, LxP can also be used to provide feedback and motivation for personal development. The systems model identifies
the key elements essential to learning and development that also support performing. Learning, growing, and performing are
distinguished as separate improvements to highlight the impacts from each. The result is a system that may be applied within
informal learning, education, the workplace, and other contexts to achieve the benefits of LxP.
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