by Betty Hurd, Daniel K. Apple, Steve Beyerlein, Wade Ellis, David Leasure, Cy Leise, and Thomas Nelson
Growth mindset includes the belief that one can improve life by responding with openness and creativity to opportunities as they arise. Growth capability is generated from increases in the effectiveness of responses to opportunities that expand and enrich one’s quality of life. Growth development is the process of increasing transferable learning skills to enhance quality of life by increasing the value of all experiences, especially performances, which are related to one’s individual quality of life. Growth capability is composed of 15 components that are the focus of this paper. Each component plays a distinctive role with respect to understanding growth capability as a construct and provides a foundation for assessment and reflection practices known to be essential for building capabilities. Underlying the 15 components are a set of 40 growth skills which are enumerated in the Appendix. For conceptual convenience, these 15 components are organized into four categories: self-concept, life planning, taking actions to pursue growth, and performance improvement. An expanded discussion of each of the 15 components focuses on three questions: What elements, processes, and opportunities are distinctive to the component? What roles do the concepts, insights, and practices related to the component play in improving quality of life? How can one validate the personal impact of pursuing the life changes suggested by the component? Examples of professional development activities centered on each component are also inventoried. Finally, methods are suggested for incorporating insights about each component into planning for daily growth.
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